A Healthier Life with Mylab
”Huld’s experts provide outstanding technical expertise, and the work performed by the team is both thorough and yields excellent results.” says Mikko Sipilä (Vice President, Solutions) from Mylab.

Mylab is a leading Finnish expert on health care, clinical laboratories and diagnostic data systems. Mylab provides technological solutions for health care professionals.
The My+® blood center is a part of the Mylab My+® product family. It serves the entire blood transfusion process from blood product ordering and store management all the way to follow-up of the transfusion. The system assists the users for example by providing a compatibility testing tool, that is, matching the right patient with the compatible blood product in situations where help is really needed.
During our extensive cooperation with Mylab we have taken part in several functions related to health-care services, such as in creating the My+® blood center and the rest of the My+® product family. Our expertise has been available in subareas where they were currently needed. This has given our client the possibility to concentrate on what matters the most for them – to save human lives.
Technology in the blood center system Mylab used previously was out-of-date, and a new and more flexible system was needed. While creating the first phases of the new system, it was necessary to lay special emphasis on making the system easy to both use and maintain. As the service goal is to provide the best possible care for the patients, it is crucial that users are able to trust the system no matter the situation.
A joint effort with emphasis on further development of health care data systems
Our cooperation with Mylab began with renewing one system and has now expanded to cover a multitude of tasks, such as technical consultation and service design. In addition to the blood center system, we have been involved in the development of even other services within the My+® product family.
We have for example provided software development and UI design for a mobile sampling application designed to be used on a daily basis by laboratory professionals. With the help of this application, samples can be taken accurately and effectively both in care units and outside the hospital premises.
A vital health care data service used extensively on a national level
As we speak, more than half of all Finnish university hospitals use Mylab’s data system solution in their blood centers. Consequently, the system is used in over 60 % of all transfusions carried out in Finland to ensure the compatibility of the blood products transfused.
Our cooperation with Mylab is grounded on strong, long-time partnership. Our partnership is flexible thanks to adjustments in the work load according to the client’s needs, and a spontaneous approach to carrying out the tasks. We ask questions and dare to challenge the clients whenever we can help them to improve their services in the best possible way.
”Huld’s experts provide outstanding technical expertise, and the work performed by the team is both thorough and yields excellent results. They are not afraid to question the current methods in a constructive way and to suggest improvements in a problem-solving manner. These professionals are both active and effective, which is visible both in our mutual discussions and in the implementation. Not to mention how fun it is to work together!” Mikko Sipilä, Vice President, Solutions, Mylab