
Innovative Services for Space Beyond Tomorrow

Success stories

Beyond Gravity

Beyond Gravity Chose Huld to Ensure the Quality of Flight Software and Space Applications for the New Space Era

European Space Agency ESA

Huld supports ESA in exploring embedded intelligence in satellites


Huld to validate the software of MDA’s Canadarm3 robotic system

Innovative Services Beyond Tomorrow

Satellite assets are essential elements for numerous everyday life services, such as geoinformatics, mapping, resource utilization, positioning, weather forecasting and communications. Huld has participated in projects ranging from ice coverage analysis to forest fire detection, and from improved navigation positioning to algae monitoring. In fact, modern everyday life is fulfilled with data that is derived from satellites – navigation, weather forecasts and internet applications.

As these applications are so vast and touching almost everyone, it is of utmost importance to have satellites working flawlessly. Huld’s in-house expertise lies precisely in these demanding space applications, concerning real-time software in the satellite’s payload and platform. The design process of these complex data processing systems, instrument data simulators and test facilities are the core of our space industry competencies. We have been applying these competencies since 1989 in more than 150 European Space Agency (ESA) projects, working previously under the name Space Systems Finland (SSF), and since 2020 by the name Huld.

Huld has provided software solutions to numerous satellites ranging from Envisat to the International Space Station. We provide mission-critical control systems for satellite platforms, and scientific processing in atmospheric sounding and imaging missions. The key element of these is safety-critical, tested and validated software, which is able to function for many years in harsh space environment.

Huld has provided platform software to GOCE, Herschel, Planck and Gaia satellites. In addition, our software is bound to planet Mercury and Mars onboard interplanetary missions. Latest references in application software segment include on board MetOp-SG (Radio Occultation Instrument ROIC, 3MI, Scatterometer SCA), ExoMars Recovery Software Image, Euclid FGS, MTG FCI Instrument Control Unit (ICU) Application Software (ASW), Sentinel-4 ICU, Galileo ASW and MetOp CFSW.

We have worked in the field of satellite data ground processing since 1989, starting with the Envisat mission development. Since then, the categorization of different satellite data products has led us to specialize in certain phases and tools of the data products.

Huld has developed a L1b prototype data processing software for European Copernicus mission in Sentinel-4 and Sentinel-5 missions. In addition, we have worked on the Level 2 operational processor in MTG imager and sounder. The Instrument Quality Tool (IQT) allows the assessment of the geometrical and radiometric performances of the instruments on-board both MTG Imager and Sounder satellites, thus acting as a quality and performance tool. The Ground Processor Prototype (GPP) provides aid in the development of the operational instrument processor for the EUMETSAT ground segment. The GPP will also be used to demonstrate the performance of the instrument and the level 1b algorithms during on-ground and in-orbit tests.

Our long experience in development of high-reliability software has laid a foundation to act as external consultant assisting prime companies to assure the quality of a software product developed by software subcontractor. Therefore, one of the key expertise areas of Huld is ISVV. We have conducted Independent Software Verification and Validation for multiple space on-board software: The European Data Relay System (EDRS), the Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) including MTG’s Strat Tracker instrument, the ESA Mercury mission BepiColombo platform software, the Small geo-stationary (SGEO) satellite, Integral mission, and five major units of the European satellite navigation system Galileo flight segment.

Huld’s NewSpace capabilities build on the 30 years’ ESA space experience, combined with the industrial needs for SW development schedule, Continuous Integration / Continuous Development (CI/CD) and Systems Engineering. Huld has recently participated in several CubeSat, SmallSat and Space-based-Service projects either in SW/Systems Assessment, Technology Study or as an outsourced engineering development organisation for software and hardware. This is also the offering for your business: our Customer has the technology driver and the service idea, and we have the technology and capacity to help you!

Huld Defence builds upon our decades long systems engineering experience derived from implementing mission critical space solutions. This, combined with our data analytics and machine learning expertise, allows us to develop, deliver and maintain capabilities for land, air and sea defence (MIL) systems.

Our capabilities focus on:

  • Software and systems engineering for various military applications
  • Data fusion and algorithm development for test systems and measurement instruments
  • Data analytics for reconnaissance sensors
  • Machine learning assisted situational awareness and targeting, including non-GNSS / visual navigation capabilities
  • Huld has been working with the defence projects since 2007, and has a Facility Security Clearance (FSC).

As access to space becomes more affordable and nanosatellites provide cost effective platforms. The innovative design of mechanical components can provide new reach. Lighter satellite frames vacate payload capacity or lower launch costs. Deployable devices provide greater ability for even the smallest of satellites. Meaning larger solar arrays, exterior imaging capabilities, moving sensitive instruments away from interference and more. All this equates to more science from a smaller form factor. Huld’s expertise in mechanical design can provide innovative solutions by taking full advantage of all technologies, like additive manufacturing (AM). AM produces fast turnaround components where complexity is free, rigidity can be maximized, all while energy and material usage are minimal.

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