Digital Services and Software

AI & Data

Huld takes a business-driven approach to AI & Data. We tailor domain expertise with computer science excellence to drive high impact with higher feasibility.

Huld takes a business-driven approach to AI & Data. We tailor domain expertise with computer science excellence to drive high impact with higher feasibility.

Extracting Meaningful Insights from AI & Data

Data is readily available amongst any modern-day organization. Subsets of the ‘correct’ data are fuel for industrial AI solutions. Sufficient understanding of business domain and operations can create feasible solutions. Whether it being analytics, computer vision or A/B testing etc. The right set of domain expertise, computer science and mathematical knowledge are paramount. Initiatives come with a plethora of data wrangling solutions; however, it takes the right team to extract the ‘correct’ impact.

Why AI?

Data science is the art of extracting meaningful insights from data. While AI is any application that appears to emulate human performance. In practice, an AI can be trained on an organization’s own data or can be deployed pre-trained and tailored for the organization (transfer learning). While data science provides life blood to the AI applications. An AI trained with excellent data science techniques saves time and produces value.

Data Thinking

We use Data Thinking to explore productive ideas that generate new business. Data Thinking is an agile, customer tested process as a solution for fuzzy or challenging starting points. The purpose is to convert experimental projects into a successful journey. Data Thinking activities are performed in conjunction with your team and tailored to your needs.

Results and benefits

  • Clarification and visualization of the big picture
  • Data needs and availability will be identified
  • Efficient transfer to further development stages


  • Data Science roadmap with costing of each stage
  • Business impact of each phase
  • Recommended order of phases for high impact and higher feasibility.
  • Resulting phases measured against important metrics

Quality Control

  • Cybersecure AI
  • Safety Critical AI

Documentation Solutions

  • OCR
  • Semantic Search

Operations Intelligence

  • Predictive Analytics
  • Testing & Validation
  • AI in Space

Developing Tooling

  • Data Analytics
  • Annotations

Computer Vision

  • Situational Awareness
  • Autonomous Navigation

Success stories


Kattokeskus Trusts Huld in Developing Digital Service Business


Pirha – Accessible Website with UX/UI Design

Kommunikaatio ILO

Conceptualizing an application for people with speech-impairment and language disorder – Vuorovaikutuspassi Vilo

Vaasan Sähkö

Vaasan Sähkö mobile app provides a quick and easy way to manage daily energy matters

Hilla Group

Flexible user interface design for Hilla Group’s online services


Swegon CASA Genius Mobile & Cloud Services

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