Embedded Solutions

Enclosure Design

Enclosure design and casings have different demands depending on the product and its use. Let’s see that yours are met effortlessly.

Enclosure Design for Every Environment

No matter the product, it needs encasing. Enclosure design directly affects the product’s durability, safety, quality, and appearance.

Environmental conditions such as humidity, dust, vibration and extreme temperature shifts set their own requirements on enclosures. Material choice directly affect the durability, weight, and cost-effectiveness of the enclosure. User experience and ergonomics also play an important role in enclosure design, as well as modularity and scalability.

Whether it’s extreme conditions, pleasing aesthetics, or passive heat regulation, we have the necessary expertise for your enclosure needs.

Enclosures and Industrial Design

Industrial design is a crucial part of enclosure design, as it combines usability with technical implementation. Proper design can further enhance product functionality and user experience.

Industrial design supports user-centered product development. When user needs are considered in design, the interaction between the user and the product becomes more ergonomic and intuitive.

Unique design is also a competitive advantage in the market. It adds value and reflects the desired brand identity.

Industrial design assists in material choices and manufacturability. The design can be focused on for example sustainability, making the enclosure long-lasting, repairable, or recyclable.

Whatever your needs, we have the means to fulfill them with professional industrial design.