Greetings from Czech Space Week

Greetings from Czech Space Week

  • Space
Huld’s Orbitcon MCS – Ground segment solution for Nanosatellites

Huld’s Orbitcon MCS – Ground segment solution for Nanosatellites

  • Space
In the Future Minerals Might be Extracted from Materials Outside Planet Earth

In the Future Minerals Might be Extracted from Materials Outside Planet Earth

  • Embedded Software
  • Embedded Solutions
  • Space
World’s first wooden satellite prepares for launch

World’s first wooden satellite prepares for launch

  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Product Design and Development
  • Space


  • Space
Huld’s software will control the PLATO space telescope searching for habitable worlds

Huld’s software will control the PLATO space telescope searching for habitable worlds

  • Embedded Software
  • Quality Assurance
  • Space
Huld ensured the quality of the software on board the new Sentinel-6 satellite to help predict rises in sea levels

Huld ensured the quality of the software on board the new Sentinel-6 satellite to help predict rises in sea levels

  • Digital Services and Software
  • Embedded Software
  • Embedded Solutions
  • Quality Assurance
  • Space
How does our experience in space technology add value to your organisation?

How does our experience in space technology add value to your organisation?

  • Industries
  • Space
Huld TV – How can industry benefit from space technology?

Huld TV – How can industry benefit from space technology?

  • Space
Look, it’s Huld flying past Earth on Friday morning!

Look, it’s Huld flying past Earth on Friday morning!

  • Embedded Software
  • Embedded Solutions
  • Space
Huld’s software flies to Sun onboard Solar Orbiter

Huld’s software flies to Sun onboard Solar Orbiter

  • Embedded Software
  • Embedded Solutions
  • Space
Meteosat Third Generation: Better weather data for all of us

Meteosat Third Generation: Better weather data for all of us

  • Embedded Software
  • Embedded Solutions
  • Space
  • Test and Measurement